"Earning reports
and gibberish writings in my journey to be financially free"

What makes a good website and how to get good website traffic? Focus on: 1. Quality contents 2. Quality contents 3. Quality contents.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Top 3 Cool Malaysian Adsense Earners

1. Kasyidi (Known record : $98.10 in 4 hours!)

2. Samsul Zamzuri (Known record : $144.74 per day)

3. Labanon (Known record : $105.74 per day)

*This is not an official record. This is my personal top 3. I know these guys from http://www.majalahim.com/download as well as http://www.majalahim.com .

Majalahim.com released free e-mags each month (now stop already, become blog based). What's make me say 'Wow' is that :
1. It is free
2. Got interviews in mp3 format

But those were the days. Now no more mp3 interview, no more mags, so I don't know who are the other 'hidden' local Malaysian Adsense sifu. I need Majalahim to reveal them to me. Lolz.

If you know any other cool Malaysian Adsense earners, share it here. :)

Last but not least, MALAYSIA BOLEH!

Oklah, holidays almost over, can't blog as often as this week but will try to update at least once a month.

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Why No Adsense here?

1. Ethical issues. The nature of this blog seems to make people to click the ads (to support etc which I never ask). Which means it can draw fraud clicks. As an ethical Adsense publisher, I decided to leave it ads free.
2. Personal satisfaction. The main reason I made this blog not to make money. It’s for personal satisfaction and to give encouragement.
3. I don’t depend on this blog for money. I have other websites which make the money.