"Earning reports
and gibberish writings in my journey to be financially free"

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Concern on breaking Adsense TOS

I did worry about getting ban from google because of revealing my earnings. But of course I am not that stupid by not reading TOS. I've made some research and here's what I found.

Confidentiality. You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without Google's prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes without limitation: (a) all Google software, technology, programming, specifications, materials, guidelines and documentation relating to the Program; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Property performance in the Program provided to You by Google; and (c) any other information designated in writing by Google as "Confidential" or an equivalent designation. However, You may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments to You pursuant to the Program. Google Confidential Information does not include information that has become publicly known through no breach by You or Google, or information that has been (i) independently developed without access to Google Confidential Information, as evidenced in writing; (ii) rightfully received by You from a third party; or (iii) required to be disclosed by law or by a governmental authority.

Then I've made some internet research too.

1. http://courtneytuttle.com/2007/05/09/can-bloggers-disclose-adsense-earnings/

2. http://www.articlealley.com/article_818666_7.html

Then common sense. Do you know who is this guy? He is Joel Comm. Adsense Guru. He has revealed to the world his Adsense earnings and still doing fine until now. If revealing earnings is prohibited, Joel Comm will cry and disappear from the Adsense world long time ago.

He revealed this in 2006...

And this in 2008 (2 years = it's okay)...

Then if can't publish, I believe all those adsense masters and gurus will never publish their earnings on the internet... and we will hear their rage too.

So I believe I am not breaking any Adsense TOS. If Joel Comm (and other Adsense masters and gurus) can, why can't I?

Besides, I am promoting adsense.

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Why No Adsense here?

1. Ethical issues. The nature of this blog seems to make people to click the ads (to support etc which I never ask). Which means it can draw fraud clicks. As an ethical Adsense publisher, I decided to leave it ads free.
2. Personal satisfaction. The main reason I made this blog not to make money. It’s for personal satisfaction and to give encouragement.
3. I don’t depend on this blog for money. I have other websites which make the money.