"Earning reports
and gibberish writings in my journey to be financially free"

What makes a good website and how to get good website traffic? Focus on: 1. Quality contents 2. Quality contents 3. Quality contents.

Friday, September 30, 2011

1 Jan 2012

Next year, I dont think I am able to generate money with adsense anymore.



  1. why? your traffic going down?

  2. Yup. Need to move on :) but who knows maybe will go up back???

  3. why don't you sell your blog.

  4. 1. It is not a blog and for the past 3 years i have not update it.
    2. So, it generates money without needing me to maintain it.
    3. Hurm, I THINK i wont generate as much as I do now but it is enough to cover the server domain etc which means I wont lose a thing and probably will earn money, but not as high as previously
    4. The potential is there, I wont sell it.


Why No Adsense here?

1. Ethical issues. The nature of this blog seems to make people to click the ads (to support etc which I never ask). Which means it can draw fraud clicks. As an ethical Adsense publisher, I decided to leave it ads free.
2. Personal satisfaction. The main reason I made this blog not to make money. It’s for personal satisfaction and to give encouragement.
3. I don’t depend on this blog for money. I have other websites which make the money.