"Earning reports
and gibberish writings in my journey to be financially free"

What makes a good website and how to get good website traffic? Focus on: 1. Quality contents 2. Quality contents 3. Quality contents.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Does my premium server hosting worth?

I did tell you guys that I signed up a new webhosting in US (at April 27th) after I fed up with server down with one of Malaysian's webhosting. Although the company charge more for less space etc, I think it is a good investment. No downtime and it cuts the loading time to 1/6!


  1. Wondering what is that graph represents..
    And about the new server, is it RM150/month?

  2. Its load time to load a page from the website. The better the page loads = more satisfied users + good SEO.

    No, it's RM150 per year.


Why No Adsense here?

1. Ethical issues. The nature of this blog seems to make people to click the ads (to support etc which I never ask). Which means it can draw fraud clicks. As an ethical Adsense publisher, I decided to leave it ads free.
2. Personal satisfaction. The main reason I made this blog not to make money. It’s for personal satisfaction and to give encouragement.
3. I don’t depend on this blog for money. I have other websites which make the money.