"Earning reports
and gibberish writings in my journey to be financially free"

What makes a good website and how to get good website traffic? Focus on: 1. Quality contents 2. Quality contents 3. Quality contents.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My concept : It's about getting rich

From comments given, many say I need to make a lot of blogs in order to get enough money. Then the coming Christmas, I should make some niche research. I thank you all for your ideas. I really appreciate it. I really do. But my concept is different.

Maybe some of you don't quite understand my concept. Since I have time to kill, I drew this. Here's what most of us is trying to do (see pic below), blogging or working for money. The problem is, you need to constantly update your blog (or make research) to keep visitors coming (as well as the money). So there will be this 'responsibility' to update the blog. You need to work (to update, make research etc) in order to get money. You work for money (which I don't want).

My concept on the other hand is to make the money work for me. First thing is to get an idea to create something very useful or cool. Then I will evaluate whether this thing can walk by itself and whether it can viralize by itself. After these 2 conditions are met, I will proceed with the idea and do the programming.

Next step is to publish and promote. When something is useful, people will tell others (viralize). Theoritically, number visitors will increase until it reach equilibrium and due to it's usefulness, people will use it frequently. I don't need to update anything and the best thing is (hopefully) the money flows without me updating or working on anything. Then the process repeats but the circle does not return back to me like above. So I have a lot of free time to enjoy and money works for me (that's what we call passive income!).

You see, it is not about getting a lot of money. It is about trying to get rich and financially free, trying to enjoy your life and trying to spend your time as minimum as you can with work. Even if if the websites fail after few years, or if the concept fails, I am not going to get frustrated because I spent very little time in front of the computer. I only spent few hours or days in the beginning (programming).

So I hope you understand my concept. Wish me luck. :D
The only difference between a rich person and poor person is how they use their time - Robert Kiyosaki

What to bring when cashing out Adsense earnings using Western Union?

1. Print out the Payment Details "Log-in > Ay Account > Payment History > click the Payment Details" > Print it.
*Don't have a printer? Jot down these information
  • Amount
  • Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)
  • Google's Address
    2. 1 photocopy of your IC

    3. Bring your original IC

    4. Jot down Google's tel and fax number
    • Tel : (650) 253-0000
    • Fax : (650) 253-0001

    Top 3 Cool Malaysian Adsense Earners

    1. Kasyidi (Known record : $98.10 in 4 hours!)

    2. Samsul Zamzuri (Known record : $144.74 per day)

    3. Labanon (Known record : $105.74 per day)

    *This is not an official record. This is my personal top 3. I know these guys from http://www.majalahim.com/download as well as http://www.majalahim.com .

    Majalahim.com released free e-mags each month (now stop already, become blog based). What's make me say 'Wow' is that :
    1. It is free
    2. Got interviews in mp3 format

    But those were the days. Now no more mp3 interview, no more mags, so I don't know who are the other 'hidden' local Malaysian Adsense sifu. I need Majalahim to reveal them to me. Lolz.

    If you know any other cool Malaysian Adsense earners, share it here. :)

    Last but not least, MALAYSIA BOLEH!

    Oklah, holidays almost over, can't blog as often as this week but will try to update at least once a month.

    Why Adsense and Analytics are inaccurate and differ from each other?

    I've came across this
    when doing research for previous post. Interesting.

    The main question is "Why Adsense and Analytics are inaccurate and differ from each other?"

    Actually the reason (for me) is simple. Humans are not perfect so as their programming. Even if the programming is perfect, many things can happen.

    The users might managed to 'send' information to and load ads from Google Adsense but did not manage to 'exchanging data' between analytics coz he clicked the stop button (I did this quite often some time ago because Google Analytics made my firefox to run slow). Many things can happen in this life.

    Besides, some firefox users block Adsense ads using "Adblock Plus" add-on. So there will be 'false' inaccuracy too.

    Although I do not integrate my Adsense with Analytics, I am not going to get shock if the information is different from each other. Besides, my Adsense, Statcounter and webalizer (own web server log analysis program integrated with my hosting package) show different analysis from each other but not very different. So it is a normal thing.

    Besides, read the TOS :

    Adsense TOS : https://www.google.com/adsense/localized-terms
    8. No Guarantee. Google makes no guarantee regarding the level of impressions of Ads or clicks on any Ad or Referral Button, the timing of delivery of such impressions and/or clicks, the completion of Referral Events, or the amount of any payment to be made to You under this Agreement. ...
    Analytics TOS : http://www.google.com/analytics/tos.html
    10. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES . The information and services included in or available through the Service, including the Reports, may include inaccuracies or typographical errors...
    And for the main question why after 10 months still different result... hurm, as someone who knows a little bit about internet pogramming, all I can say it, it is easy to ask to do this and that, it is easy to imagine and to complaint, but doing the programming and turn it into a reality is a mind blowing process.

    Besides, Mr Google tells us clearly on both Adsense and Analytics TOS that inaccuracy may occur. So accept it. If you don't like it, you must like it because you have agreed to the TOS when you signed up for the service. Remember? Lolz.

    Last but not least
    The graph clearly shows that as per Adsense, the earnings are close to 11.8 units, while, as per Analytics, it drops to 6.7 units.
    As long as the earnings in Adsense is higher than Analytics, isn't it is a good thing? If Analytics is higher than Adsense, then that's an issue. XD

    Tuesday, September 22, 2009

    Concern on breaking Adsense TOS

    I did worry about getting ban from google because of revealing my earnings. But of course I am not that stupid by not reading TOS. I've made some research and here's what I found.

    Confidentiality. You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without Google's prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes without limitation: (a) all Google software, technology, programming, specifications, materials, guidelines and documentation relating to the Program; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Property performance in the Program provided to You by Google; and (c) any other information designated in writing by Google as "Confidential" or an equivalent designation. However, You may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments to You pursuant to the Program. Google Confidential Information does not include information that has become publicly known through no breach by You or Google, or information that has been (i) independently developed without access to Google Confidential Information, as evidenced in writing; (ii) rightfully received by You from a third party; or (iii) required to be disclosed by law or by a governmental authority.

    Then I've made some internet research too.

    1. http://courtneytuttle.com/2007/05/09/can-bloggers-disclose-adsense-earnings/

    2. http://www.articlealley.com/article_818666_7.html

    Then common sense. Do you know who is this guy? He is Joel Comm. Adsense Guru. He has revealed to the world his Adsense earnings and still doing fine until now. If revealing earnings is prohibited, Joel Comm will cry and disappear from the Adsense world long time ago.

    He revealed this in 2006...

    And this in 2008 (2 years = it's okay)...

    Then if can't publish, I believe all those adsense masters and gurus will never publish their earnings on the internet... and we will hear their rage too.

    So I believe I am not breaking any Adsense TOS. If Joel Comm (and other Adsense masters and gurus) can, why can't I?

    Besides, I am promoting adsense.

    Sunday, September 20, 2009

    70% increase

    Today's earning increased by 70% from yesterday. Quite happy.

    Since it is already 20th september, I think I will stop crapping around for a moment and give comment for this month when it's over. I look like a psycho if I continue to comment how much increased or decreased compared to yesterday's performance. Till then.

    Saturday, September 19, 2009

    2X Better

    Thank God yesterday is 2 times better than 2 days ago.

    Currently on a new project to increase my adsense earnings... :D

    Friday, September 18, 2009

    You should not be happy with your adsense earnings

    Can you believe this? See my earnings for yesterday...

    Just after I posted my 'happy post' (see previous post just before this), my earnings dropped to half! The earning-per-click dropped significantly!

    Aaarrgghhh! What's happening!!?? Somebody tell me please....

    Thursday, September 17, 2009

    Weird September 11

    This september is weird. Started this september with bad earnings but on september 11, my earnings for the next 6 days are getting better. I feel guiltily happy coz I am cheering when on other part of the world, people are mourning for the twin tower tragedy which leads to war in Iraq and Afghanistan which more and more people getting killed everyday.

    Nevertheless, I hope there will be peace in this world. Stop war. It's stupid.

    Don't look at the september 17th earning coz it's today and I snapped in just after 16 september ended. Of course there will be no earning for 17th september yet.

    Hurm, now I am on a new project to increase my website traffic. Wish me luck.

    Saturday, September 5, 2009

    Adsense Going Up and My Addiction to Adsense

    It seems my Adsense cpc is increased so as my income. Hurm, Adsense does hard to explain.

    Whatever it is, I am addicted to Adsense.

    I want to try not to open my Adsense for 10 days.

    I don't really care about my Adsense coz my websites do not require me to attend it everyday like blog which means there is nothing I can do.

    I hope I can cure my addiction. :D

    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Statcounter VS Adsense

    My Adsense told me that I got 4 clicks just now.

    But my Statcounter told me that I got more than 4 clicks. For your information, statcounter can detect adsense clicks. It will appear as 'exit link'.

    Who should I trust?

    But I know, at the end, who gives the money is important...

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    Last Month (August 2009) Adsense Earnings

    Last 3 days of August were weird days. My earnings suddenly drop despite the same page impression. Probably ads that gave me good earnings no longer there. Adsense is really frustrating at some point.

    If you noticed, the earning details, the total is not the same one with the one above. This is because I view the details too early.

    In Adsense, you need to wait couple of hours to get the final earnings. Don't worry, it never goes down.

    *Currently recovering from chicken pox, wish me to get healthy fast.

    Why No Adsense here?

    1. Ethical issues. The nature of this blog seems to make people to click the ads (to support etc which I never ask). Which means it can draw fraud clicks. As an ethical Adsense publisher, I decided to leave it ads free.
    2. Personal satisfaction. The main reason I made this blog not to make money. It’s for personal satisfaction and to give encouragement.
    3. I don’t depend on this blog for money. I have other websites which make the money.